For Thursday February 6, 2025


Berkeley County Schools – Berkeley County Schools (PreK-12) will operate on a 2-hour delay on Thursday, February 6, 2025. We will continue to monitor road conditions

Jefferson County Schools -Jefferson County Schools (Pre-K – 12) and offices will operate on a 2-hour delay on Thursday, February 6, 2025. JCS will continue to monitor and evaluate conditions

Morgan County Schools – 2 hour delay. Employees are on Code “D”. Morgan Co Science Fair  has been rescheduled for Friday, February 7, 2025. 

Grant County Schools –3-hour delay 

Hampshire County Schools – All schools in Hampshire County will be on a 2-hour delay on Thursday, February 6, 2025.



Washington County– 2-hour delay. Employees Code Yellow. Transportation staff will reassess roads across the county and monitor the forecast to evaluate whether a closure is necessary. WCPS will share a final decision by 7:00 Thursday morning.

Frederick County – 2 Hour Delay


Chambersburg Area School District – 2 hour delay.

Greencastle-Antrim School District – All GASD buildings will be closed. It will be a Flexible Instruction Day (FID). Due to the unpredictable road conditions in the morning as well as the elevated illnesses in our buildings. We have many of our students out sick and we will be taking the opportunity tomorrow to do a deep clean in each of our buildings. We look forward to seeing everyone back on Friday! Assignments will be posted by 9:00 am.

Fannett Metal School District – 2 hour delay

Southern Fulton School District – 2-hour delay.  They will reassess in the morning, with the potential for a flexible instructional day to begin at 10:00 a.m. if needed. 

Waynesboro Area School District –  2 hour delay. All learners brought their Chromebooks home. If the 2 hour delay needs to be adjusted to a school closing, this announcement will be made via a BORO blast no later than 7:00 AM. If WASD is closed, we will be operating on a FID (virtual learning day).

Central Fulton School District –  2 hour delay



Clarke County–2-hr delay. We will reassess conditions in the morning and make changes as needed. 

Frederick County, VA--All Frederick County Public Schools will operate on a TWO-HOUR DELAY on Thursday, February 6. School offices and central offices will open one hour late. We will reassess conditions

Loudoun County –2 -hour delay, with administrative offices opening on time

Winchester Public Schools –2-hour delay for all students and staff. 



West Virginia Schools for the Deaf and Blind, Romney2 hour delay 

St. John’s Catholic Prep****

Martinsburg Christian Academy –****

Faith Christian Academy –****

Emmanuel Christian School****

Grace Academy Hagerstown ****

Heritage Academy Hagerstown****

Legacy Christian Academy Stephens City ****

Maryland School for the Deaf ****

Shalom Christian Academy****

Rocky Knoll School – ****

St Joseph School-2 hour delay . Before-school care begins at 9 a.m. and doors will open for students at 9:55 a.m. NO breakfast will be provided and there will be NO morning bus service.

St Joseph Day Care****

Ft. Detrick – 2 hour delay



Shepherd University –Shepherd University will open at 11am Thurs, Feb 6.

Shenandoah University – All SU locations will open at 11 a.m. on Feb. 6. Classes scheduled to begin before that time will meet virtually unless otherwise noted by the professor. Child Care Center opens at 10 a.m

Shippensburg University –Shippensburg University will be closed Thursday, February 6. Essential personnel should report. No daytime classes (those beginning prior to 5:00 p.m.) will be held on campus. At this time, evening classes (beginning at 5:00 p.m. or after) will be held on campus as scheduled. Students must check their Ship e-mail to see faculty expectations for impacted classes. This may include online synchronous class sessions or asynchronous assignments. Reisner Dining Hall will open for normal operations at 7:00 a.m. Ship Rec and the CUB, including dining locations, will open at noon. The Lehman Library will open at 10:00 a.m.

Hood CollegeHood will have delayed opening — Thursday classes start at 9:50 & labs at 10:30; offices will open at 10.  For further details, visit Campus Status.

Frederick Community College – Main and Monroe campuses open. All classes begin at 11am.

Blue Ridge CTC –  BRCTC (all locations) will open at 11am, Thursday, 2/6/25. Remote work/online instruction continue as scheduled. Students be sure to check email and Blackboard for all classes. Critical Operations employees report to supervisor. Any update will be sent 2/6/25 by 9am.

Hagerstown Community College – ****

James Rumsey Technical Institute –  ****



Martinsburg City Hall, Martinsburg Municipal Court and administrative offices ****

City of Charles Town – ****

Ranson City Administrative offices – ****

Jefferson County, WV –Jefferson County Commission offices and the courts will operate on a 1-hour delay on Thursday, February 6, 2025, Offices and courts will open at 10:00 AM. The Jefferson County Commission meeting will be delayed to a 10:30 AM start time

Frederick Co,VA Government – Offices, Regional landfill, and neighborhood convenience sites open at 10 AM

Berkeley County Meals on Wheels–  ****

Berkeley County Senior Services  — ****

Maryland State –Liberal leave for all Maryland counties from 6:00 a.m.- 10:00 a.m, Thursday, February 6, 2025.  Non-emergency essential employees who report to the office may use liberal leave upon notification to the employee’s supervisor. Employees who are telework eligible and scheduled to telework should telework as scheduled unless leave is granted. Emergency essential employees should report as scheduled.

Washington County Government, MD ****

City of Winchester ****

EPTA — EPTA will be working on a route delay, with the first route bus leaving the train station at approximately 7:45am Thursday, 2/6/2025. EPTA will continue to monitor the weather conditions, providing any updates as soon as possible. For any questions, contact EPTA Dispatch at 304-263-0876 or🚌

Berkeley County Health Department –Opening at 10:30am

Morgan County Health Department  — Opening at 10:30am

Harpers Ferry National Historical Park — ****

Berkeley County Sheriff’s Department — ****

Morgan County Sheriff’s Department — ****

Humane Society of Washington County –– ****

Shenandoah Community Health –****. 

BCT Bank — ****

Morgan Co Sheriff’s office:****

Martinsburg Moose Lodge****

Senior Life Service of Morgan County (senior center) – ****

Shepherdstown Fire Department —  ****

Martinsburg Cooperative Parish church offices ****

Martinsburg-Berkeley County Chamber of Commerce – Rise & Shine Breakfast is rescheduled to Thursday, February 20, 2025, 7:15 AM – 9:00 AM.